the smile i give will remove
your frown.
mother nature returns in her
newest gown.
lifes full of sun to surround
your woes
take in the scent as the season
nothing in life will cause you
if you garner yourself with life's
remember this when you feel down
you are the one who wears the crown
Copyright © Ken Newman
your frown.
mother nature returns in her
newest gown.
lifes full of sun to surround
your woes
take in the scent as the season
nothing in life will cause you
if you garner yourself with life's
remember this when you feel down
you are the one who wears the crown
Copyright © Ken Newman
Harika Görünüyorum ;)
Sosyal medyada özellikle yabancı ülke insanlarıyla sıkı dostluklarım var.Bunlardan birisi Amerika'daki Kristina. Beni tanıyan herkes Onu sormadan geçmez.En az onun kadar değerli bir dostum daha var Bu arkadaşım da İngiltere'den Ken Newman . Kendisi ressam ve şair. Moralimin bozuk olduğu bir gün bana bir şiir yazdı. Bu beni çok onore etmişti. Bugün de benim resmimi çizmiş göndermiş. Dünyanın öteki ucunda bana değer veren yazılarımdan bile benim halimi anlayan insanların olması çok güzel.Kucak dolusu sevgilerimi iletiyorum sevgili dostuma . Beni bir kere daha mutlu etti.
my lady of dreams Bana gönderdiği şiir :)
the skies that are blue
a reflection of you
of the colour of your eyes
as you slumber away
into the land of dreams
where nothing is real
your fantasies are flights
of fairies on wing
and a breeze that dance
to a choir that sing
with a crystal clear voice
and a widening choice
of the finest things
rose garlands,daisy chains
fresh flowers for a lady
of impeccable breed
dreams are made of these
my lady of dreams
the skies that are blue
a reflection of you
of the colour of your eyes
as you slumber away
into the land of dreams
where nothing is real
your fantasies are flights
of fairies on wing
and a breeze that dance
to a choir that sing
with a crystal clear voice
and a widening choice
of the finest things
rose garlands,daisy chains
fresh flowers for a lady
of impeccable breed
dreams are made of these
my lady of dreams